Wednesday, 30 May 2007

New Old House.

Been out of commission for awhile, moving into this lovely old house. Built in 1920, it was originally the main farmhouse of a huge farm in the area that has been sold off piece by piece over the years.


We are still partially living out of boxes. We went from a tiny place to this one, which is pretty darn big in comparison.

I'm so thrilled to be in this house- but very overwhelmed. We're so blessed. Thanks to everyone who said us a prayer!

This is my favorite, but completely empty room, the dining room. I love the old chandelier. I do not love the weird 70's pumpkin color. Oh well, that's what paint is for. This house has some oddball colors.

We are only the 3rd owners of this house. The people we bought it from were only here for 7 years, and they had bought it from children of the original owners and builders, who, as I understand, both died in this very house. I'm not sure what the husband's name was, but the lady's name was Annie Mae Stockstill, and she died around 1999... which brings me to the next room I want to share....

This is the office/art studio, which I understand is where the lady passed away. It is extremely gloomy, shadowy, and is painted the same awful shade of peach that the outside of the house is. This side of the room with the fireplace and closets is mine. The other side of the room is my hubby's computer area, where I am sitting right now. The weird little closet to the left connects to the other bedroom, which is my son's room. We are going to make this room bright and cheery. All in good time!